Showcases of the Payrexx tools

Experience live how easy it is to collect donations, create mini-webshops and offer other Payrexx e-commerce tools. Be inspired by these showcases and see how you can make the most of our solutions for your business.

Make test transactions

All demos are set to test mode and can be tested with these test credit cards from the merchant's point of view. (Visa and Mastercard)


Selling products, services and tickets. Pages is a simple mini-webshop tool that enables users to create an online store quickly and without any prior technical knowledge.

Dashboard from the retailer's perspective

Pages from the shopper's perspective


Collect donations and fundraise. The Donation Tool enables companies and non-profit organizations to collect donations quickly and easily via a user-friendly online platform.

Dashboard from the retailer's perspective

Demo from the shopper's perspective

How about we stop telling you how great our products are and show you instead?


The Paylink tool from Payrexx enables users to create individual payment links that can be sent directly to customers.

Dashboard from the retailer's perspective

Paylink from the shopper's perspective